Saturday 25 April 2009

'Valley of Shadows' close to being published

I am so relieved that the editing process is over and at last my book 'Valley of Shadows' is safely in the hands of my publisher. So it won't be long now, soon it will be ready, and then begins the job of publishing it, and letting the world know that's it's available. Fortunately I quite enjoy this part of the book writing process, and am looking forward to organizing some book signings and promoting it.

The book cover is coming on well, I like what has been done so far. I just need it to be darker and more atmospheric, as the story is about Celia's journey through a place of darkness and struggle.
Book covers's are so important, after all they help to sell a book.
However I am confident, that between the designer and myself we will get it right. I am so looking forward to seeing and holding the finished product.
Valley Of Shadows, is my second book, but that does not diminish my excitement. It is special and means a lot to me on an emotional level, as the inspiration for it came through the violent death of my lovely sister Celia. Writing it helped me in some ways to come to terms with her death and find some peace from my grief and anger.

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