Saturday, 25 July 2009

Victimizing The Little Guys

It appears that 'Gardner's' who are the main book suppliers here in the UK, have issues with self published authors.
They are refusing to supply small quantities of books for writers book signings. The manager of my local Waterstones Book Store is really angry, and so am I, it's just not on.

I did not willing choose to be self published, any more than thousands of other writers. We were forced into it. I spent five or more years struggling to find an agent/ publisher, but without success. It was always the same old replies, 'your work is good, but we are not taking on any new writers at this time' ect, ect.
Why can't they just be honest. What they really mean is that I, and the thousands like me, are unknown, we are not famous, or celebrities. and they don't want to take a risk.

At least those who are good writers in the self published community write their own books. Unlike most celebs who use ghost writers. I mean how pathetic is that? At least I and others like me write our own books, which believe me, takes imagination, time and skill.

Let's face it, many well known authors started of by self publishing. For example, Tolkien, Beatrix Potter, C.S.Lewis, and many more.

I am a creative person, with a desire to write, and just because some high powered main stream publisher doesn't think I
am a good risk, is not going to stop me, it's their problem and their loss.

I don't have the time to hang around waiting in the hope that someone will believe in my work and take me on. I have stories to share and no longer a huge amount of time to do it in.
So no matter how difficult the established publishing world try to make it, this writer is not stopping, I will get my work out there, come hell or high water. So do your worst 'Gardner's' and all others like you, we who have been forced to self publish are here to stay.

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