Monday, 27 April 2009

A great weekend

My hubby and I went to Devon for the weekend with some friends, it was great, and nice to get away from everything for a short while at least.

The weather was good, quite warm in fact. Once we were close to our destination we left the motorway and stopped for a leisurely lunch.

Then we drove to spend the afternoon at a lovely National Trust property called Montacute House. Not a huge place, but extremely interesting, and for those who enjoy going round stately homes this one is a must. It has a fascinating history and is well worth seeing.
We finished our visit with a welcome cup of tea and then resumed our journey to Branscombe where we were staying over night.

The next day we drove to Yeovilton, Fleet Air Arm, and enjoyed looking at all the different aircraft. Fortunately we were inside as later in the day it poured with rain.
It was a brilliant weekend, but we were all very tired bunny's by the time we got back home to the Midlands. Nevertheless it was a happy couple of days, and we have some nice photoes to as reminders.

Valley of Shadows book cover

It's been great today, I went to my book designers office to look at what he had done.
And I must say I am thrilled, the cover looks amazing, I am so pleased.
We photographed one of my painting's for the cover, it actually belongs to some friends of mine, but they kindly let me borrow it back, not that I think they would recognize it now. It looks amazing what can be done with computers these days is incredible.
We had to do a little tweaking to get it just right, but now it's finished and looking good.
I can't wait to see the finished book, although once I have it in my hands, then begins the job of promoting and selling it, but I am confident it will do well.

Saturday, 25 April 2009

'Valley of Shadows' close to being published

I am so relieved that the editing process is over and at last my book 'Valley of Shadows' is safely in the hands of my publisher. So it won't be long now, soon it will be ready, and then begins the job of publishing it, and letting the world know that's it's available. Fortunately I quite enjoy this part of the book writing process, and am looking forward to organizing some book signings and promoting it.

The book cover is coming on well, I like what has been done so far. I just need it to be darker and more atmospheric, as the story is about Celia's journey through a place of darkness and struggle.
Book covers's are so important, after all they help to sell a book.
However I am confident, that between the designer and myself we will get it right. I am so looking forward to seeing and holding the finished product.
Valley Of Shadows, is my second book, but that does not diminish my excitement. It is special and means a lot to me on an emotional level, as the inspiration for it came through the violent death of my lovely sister Celia. Writing it helped me in some ways to come to terms with her death and find some peace from my grief and anger.

Monday, 20 April 2009

The Proof Reading of Valley of Shadows

The past few days have been a bit of a nightmare, to say the least. I was working away happily on my latest novel 'Valley of Shadows, which had just come back from being proofed. I was a good half way through it, when the corrections just stopped, I couldn't believe it, there was nothing, not a correction in sight.
So then began the emailing backwards and forwards to the proof reader, as we tried to figure out what had happened. To say I was upset and stressed was an understatement, but thank God we did eventually get it sorted and at last the job is done. There is no more I can do now, until the final read through.
It's the part of the writing process I hate any way. I just want to write the stories, how I wish my writing was so perfect that I didn't have to bother with editing/proofing. In my dreams.LOL
I don't suppose I'm the only writer who feels like this, I guess there aren't many of us who don't find the process irritating and stressful.
But if we want our books to be as good as they can be, then it has to be done.
'Valley of Shadows,' is very special to me, for personal reasons, so I want it to be as perfect as it can be.
Publishing my first book, 'Through a Glass Darkly' has taught me a lot of important lessons, which will benefit 'Valley of Shadows.' I know what I want now and what works best for me and my book.
I just pray that my choice of book cover is right and will enhance the book.
It's hard to believe that after nearly two years of hard work, it will ready and out in the big wide world. Whoopi !!

Friday, 10 April 2009

Following the Cross

The rain tried to spoil the morning, but didn't succeed.
We all had a wonderful time as we followed the cross around our town centre. We stopped at certain points on route to read from the bible and sing. And then we moved on to the next point.
It was very encouraging to see so many fellow Christian's joined together to remember our Lords suffering on this Good Friday.
When it was over and we said our goodbyes, my husband and I went for a welcome hot chocolate.

This is not a good photograph, but this is a painting of mine, done a few years ago, I just felt that it symbolized today so well.
It is called the 'Rose of Sharon' one of Jesus's many names.

Happy Easter to all who read this.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

A Rat Show and A Book Signing

This picture was taken in February 2009, when we went to a rat show. I used to breed and show Fancy Rats and so I was invited to bring along some copies of my debut book to sell at the show.
It was great to see some old friends and meet a lot of lovely ratties.
I took my two little girl rats with me and one of them Maddy, did very well in the agility contest, she really seemed to enjoy herself. Her sister Milly was not quite so keen.
But I think on the whole they enjoyed their day out. They both slept soundly all the way home.
We all had a great day and as an added bonus I sold some books.